Saturday, October 17, 2009

when people take themselves too seriously: graduate school student government

This Ramadan I began attending the iftars on campus regularly. After the four weeks of meeting and greeting students from other schools, faculty, and other affiliated persons, I was fingered to get more involved with the leadership of the MSSA (Muslim Students and Scholars Association...yes, ::chortle, chortle:: we are schoooolars in grad school). Now, I was nearing the end of my three-month planning for CommUNITYFest Health Fair, the project I was chairing as Community Service Chair for SNMA (Student National Medical Association...the organization for the chocolate med students and their allies)--and so not interested in taking on any more responsibility at the time. So I jumped at becoming USGA Senator for MSSA, instead of taking up a position on the Elected Board for MSSA. I thought, how bad could one meeting a month + free dinner (which is catnip for all hungry students) be? Let's just say, I was wrong.

First off, we have been in school for 2 months and have already met 4 times. One meeting/month, eh? Second off, with all of the self-aggrandizement, superciliousness, and outrageous commentary infecting the airspace in those meeting, it's always a miracle that I am able to keep down those delicious, delicious meals they feed us (fortunately, since they are very delicious & always amply proportioned). Thirdly, I am in medical school. I *always* have studying to do and *always* feel irritated when *someone else* is standing in the way of me getting that done (of course, *Qadira* standing in the way of me studying is another story altogether). The meetings have lasted, on average, 3.5 hours (minimum 3h, maximum 4.5h). ::Gag::

It is impossible to give a play by play of the appalling things I have heard during these curious gatherings, but I will share some highlights.

Latest funding meeting, where we vote on various organizations' appropriations for the semester:

* "C'mon guys, voting to halve their funding doesn't mean you hate homeless people!" (actually, in this circumstance where we were voting to fund a community service organization that feeds homeless people weekly, it kind of does)

* "The State of Maryland has more money than we do, so why don't *they* spend their money on the homeless, and we can spend ours on real services for students." (Yes, and our "real services for students" would involve sponsoring yet another booze night at the Campus Center. Top priority.)

*"Do we have anyone from the Chinese Students Association here?" (as the individual looked directly at the only Chinese student in our midst, who very well could have been from the Law Students' Association...he was lucky *this* time!)

* Question: "I don't understand how this event is relevant for other schools." (In response to an event on exploring the use of race in film...) Answer, from event organizer: "Unless you attend a school of only one race, then, yes, this event would be relevant to all schools..." (He went on to break it down in very clear, yet diplomatic words.)

*"So...let me get this straight. This was *just* a health fair?" (Woman, fellow Senator, during my funding defense of CommUNITYFest). I replied: "Actually, it is the largest, annual student-run health fair on campus that just completed its 7th year, and served over 400 Baltimore residents with critical health screenings and health, yes, it was *a* health fair..."

More than the ridiculous comments and saucy attitudes, are the dynamics between the President and pretty much everyone else. To say he is on a high horse does not begin to describe just how high his horse sits. LOL. No qualms asking a question, then interrupting exactly 15 seconds later, well before the person has taken the gulp of air required to form the words to answer the question. He looooves reminding us that he is the *sole*, the *special*, the *one lucky* student on the selection committee for the new UMB campus President. He'd be like, I would like to share more information with you guys about the process and the applicants...but I can't because it's a closed process, and, you know, I'm the only student involved. ::chortle, chortle::

There is a lot of chortling. And a lot of needless ire. Are people really that irritable and testy? During this latest meeting, I found myself getting irritated and being a lot sassier than the situation really necessitated by the end of the meeting. I don't like who I become during the Senate meetings!!! haha. My friend was teasing me about my tone as I replied to the above woman's flippish question about it being "just" a health fair. lol. I need to work on keeping my cool, even when others are throwing fire at each other. It is definitely a challenge, especially when the fire comes whisking by, a little too close to one's face for comfort.

I will strive to work on that! Speaking of working, I should get back to studying these parasitic worms. Yes, they are as disgusting as they sound. Maybe even more so!

Much love! And, by this newest entry, I think it is safe to say, that I am back in the blogosphere.


DocJLue said...

Yeah, I've been to those appropriations meetings and they are ridiculous!! The USGA board just seemed very pompous to me and it does seem pretty outrageous to spend so much money on booze fests rather than pouring into our community. Thanks for speaking up!! =)

malika said...

haha, i love your re-telling of the event - sounds like one needs a whole lot of patience just to attend these meetings... more power to you!

dcdira said...

hahaha thanks for the comments guys =D it's definitely been an eye-opening